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Adult Care Food Program

What is the ACFP program?
Who Does the Program Serve?

The adult care component of CACFP provides reimbursement to
adult care centers for healthy meals served to adults enrolled in
their programs.

The Program serves adults who are age 60 or older as well as
adults of any age who are functionally impaired to an extent that
limits their independence and ability to carry out activities of
daily living (e.g., cleaning, shopping, taking public transportation,
maintaining a residence, caring for one's own hygiene, etc.).


We Look Forward To Potentially Serving You

Office: 888-702-9610

Cell: 610-202-8446

Fax: 610-884-5222 


Check Other Programs


The Child and Adult Care Food Program


Mobile Homeless Food Program


Coming Senior Meals in PA

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***USDA and this Institution are equal opportunity providers and employers. Admission is open to all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.***

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